We are pleased to report that our impactful project has continued to record success in our target community. 63 women have been reached so far
The project provided Clean delivery kits for hygienic delivery and infant care to pregnant and nursing mothers of babies 0-1 year. The Kits contain essential items that prevent infection during delivery and aid proper cord care for the infant such as; sterile hand gloves, Sterilized absorbent delivery mats, cotton wool, methylated Spirit, etc. Project beneficiaries also receive treated bed nets to prevent malaria infection caused by mosquito bites.
In addition, beneficiaries received training on pregnancy health, newborn care, encouraging antenatal and post-natal attendance, exclusive breastfeeding, immunizations, delivery in approved health centers, and the importance of proper child spacing. This project has no doubt had a huge and positive impact on the lives of the beneficiaries.
- 100 women (50 pregnant and 50 nursing mothers) in Afugiri receive clean birth kits containing essential items such as Sterilized Scalpel blades, sterile hand gloves, Sterilized absorbent delivery mats, cotton wool, and antiseptic solution.
- 100 project beneficiaries and selected traditional birth attendants receive expert training on safe pregnancy and delivery, hygiene, and newborn care by Nnadozie Foundation trainers.
- 100 project beneficiaries receive treated bed nets to prevent malaria.
- 100% reduction in maternal and Infant mortality resulting from unclean birth practices and malaria amongst beneficiaries due to access to clean birth kits and treated bed nets.
- At least a 95% increase in the number of beneficiaries including traditional birth attendants with knowledge of pregnancy health and infant care through the Nnadozie Foundation training program.
- Positive Behavior change among project beneficiaries as they attend antenatal and postnatal classes, and adopt better pregnancy and infant care and hygiene.
To amplify the impact of our project, beneficiaries also received free blood pressure checks and those with high blood pressure were directed to seek medical attention immediately.
We thank KTCT for supporting this project which is giving mothers and newborns the opportunity to survive and thrive.