Thank you for your generous grant towards the borehole and water system at Project Share in Gushegu, Northern Ghana which is now complete. The borehole has been sunk and mechanised, and the water system is now completed to pipe the water to Neesim Primary School, Neesim Nutrition Centre and the Project Share Staff Quarters.
Water is pumped from the borehole to a large polytank on a tall water tower which is the main water storage point. This is next to our staff quarters and has a tap to be used by the local communities. The height of the tower creates pressure for the water to then flow to the school and nutrition centre, which each have a smaller polytank on a low tower, to ensure a constant supply of water and enough pressure to use the connected taps.
It is a real benefit to both the school and nutrition centre to now have clean piped water. The school pupils and the mothers staying at the centre no longer have to spend time fetching water, and can focus on their education or the rehabilitation of their children. It is now easier to put into practice what they learn about hygiene. For example, washing hands with soap before eating and after going to the toilet creates a habit which will enhance their health for a lifetime. The nutrition centre is also now able to make better use of the example vegetable garden as it can be watered all year round. Furthermore the local communities have another source of clean water. Since the borehole was sunk at the end of an unusually long dry season, we can be sure that it is deep enough to provide water all year round, unlike other water sources in the area.