The best way to help us, is to make a donation.
Our appologies; this 3rd party payment service is not yet mobile responsive, and is best used on a laptop/PC.
(Please remember that, if you pay UK tax, Gift Aid can add a further 25p for every £1 you donate to the charity.)
Scroll down for other ways to make a donation.
If you are a UK tax payer, please also fill out the following gift aid form and return it with your donation. Because KTCT is registered as a charity in the UK, any money donated to it qualifies under the Gift Aid scheme. This means that KTCT can reclaim 25p tax on every pound donated. In addition, if you pay tax at the higher rate, you can reclaim tax on your donation at 20% (the difference between the higher rate of tax at 40% and the basic rate at 20%).
Click here to download the Gift Aid Declaration formThe costs of running the Kitchen Table Charities Trust are minimal. All the help we have had so far has been on a voluntary basis. The Web site was developed with assistance from IBM volunteers as part of their Corporate Community On Demand programme. We have almost no administration costs because we use the good auspices of the Liverpool Charity and Voluntary Services organisation (LCVS), which has more than 90 years' experience of working in this field. They provide administration and accountancy services to more than 400 Charitable Trusts, including our own. They are experts in tax-efficient donations and they offer a personal service tailored to the needs of people like ourselves and smaller Trusts who want to spend as little as possible on administration.
We think it's much easier to ask people to donate their hard-earned cash if they know it's not going to be used running offices and paying big salaries, let alone marketing and advertising bills. I suppose you could sum up our philosophy thus: "Think small and make every penny count".
© Copyright Kitchen Table Charities Trust | Reg. no. 1110829