Hand; Registered UK Charity No. 1101776
Hygiene project.
Location: China
Amount: £600
Disabled Equipment Sent Overseas
Shipping donated Braille machines, books, paper, talking books, wheelchairs, crutches, etc. etc. to Ghana.
Location: Ghana
Amount: £1,800
Malawi Dream
Purchase of kitchen block, toilet block and playground at a school for HIV/AIDS orphans.
Location: Malawi
Amount: £1,000
Orphans In The Wild
UK Registered Charity No. 1113719
Construction of two classrooms and supply of hand pumps for two deep wells.
Location: Tanzania
Amount: £4,000
The Porridge Club: Part Of The African Children's Fund- UK Registered Charity No. 1114699
Building of kitchens at Thika Muslim School, Thika, Kenya and Mt Dangare School, Mutare, Zimbabwe for some of Africa's most deprived children.
Location: Kenya and Zimbabwe
Amount: £3,200

The Haller Foundation
UK Registered Charity No. 1101725
Building and equipping a Preventative Healthcare Clinic and running disease prevention workshops.
Location: Kenya
Amount: £8,000
All Ears Cambodia:
Cambodia Registered Ngo
Purchase of bench-stand ear nose and throat zoom microscope and equipment to provide a hearing aid repair service.
Location: Cambodia
Amount: £5,000
Kids For Kids
Registered UK Charity No. 1100045
Training and equipping of four village midwives and improvement of health services.
Location: Sudan
Amount: £5,500
Tanzania Registered Ngo (Tanzania Development Trust Proposal)
Improvement of the water supply system to make more effective use of water from an all-year-round spring.
Location: Tanzania
Amount: £6,800
Musoma Engineering
(Tanzania Development Trust Proposal)
Building a toilet block at a new vocational training centre for the disabled.
Location: Tanzania
Amount: £4,000
St Francis Charity Home (Tanzania Development Trust Proposal)
Purchase of medical supplies, wheelchairs, hand prostheses, towels, mosquito nets, beds and bedding.
Location: Tanzania
Amount: £1,000
Faye Cran; Cows And Bulls Sponsorship Scheme
Tanzania Development Trust Proposal
Repair of cow trough to maintain health of cattle which supply a small but efficient dairy which has been built to produce yoghurt and supply fresh milk for sale to hotels etc.
Location: Tanzania
Amount: £1,500
Entebbe Women Association
Registered Ngo In Uganda No. S 5914/1774
Construction of fifteen 2,000 litre Household Rain Water Harvesting Tanks to supply clean and safe drinking water; and distribution of Insecticide and treated mosquito Nets (ITNs) as part of a programme to reduce the incidence of malaria, and improve health and hygiene among orphans affected by and infected with HIV/AIDS and living with grandmothers.
Location: Uganda
Amount: £5,500
Waterloo Schools Charity
UK Registered Charity No. 1110488
Refurbishment of 7 primary classrooms at the Peninsula Secondary School.
Location: Sierra Leone
Amount: £5,900
Edith's Home
Registered UK Charity (Part Of City Life Church) No. 1100602
Building of vocational school for AIDS orphans and its equipment with 22 sewing machines.
Location: Uganda
Amount: £8,100
School Fund Of North Bromsgrove High School
Registered UK Charity No. 1076333
Repair of plumbing and sanitation.
Location: Gambia
Amount: £3,500
Indi Nursery Project
UK Registration With The Charity Commission Is Underway, Incorporated As A Limited Charitable Company (No. 6000832)
Construction of a classroom for orphaned and disadvantaged children.
Location: Kenya
Amount: £5,000
Hiran Community Education Project
Registered UK Charity No. 1099699
Building of a primary school.
Location: Somalia
Amount: £5,000
Christian Orphanage
Completion of construction of a secondary school for AIDS orphans.
Location: Malawi
Amount: £2,000
Karenni Student Development Programme
UK Registered Charity No 1108288
Creation and equipment of a Community Learning Centre Computer Class for orphans, refugees and under privileged children.
Location: North West Thailand
Amount: £4,000
Friends From Marich Pass
UK Registered Charity No. 1081209
Purchase of cement to complete the construction of dormitories at Riting primary school, and to provide miscellaneous supplies for the dormitories of St Francis School for the Blind and Partially sighted, Kapenguria (£860). and to build two classrooms.
Location: Kenya
Amount: £5,650
Indian Registered Non-Governmental Organisation No. J-7752
Installation of a deep bore safe drinking water system in Khakri-Veerpura for people whose lives are dominated by extreme poverty, illiteracy, disease and other handicaps.
Location: India
Amount: £5,000
Friends Of Mulanje Orphans (Fomo)
UK Registered Charity No. 1090727
Refurbishment of an old building which acts as a school, an after school activities, first aid and food distribution centre for orphans.
Location: Malawi
Amount: £5,000
Teacher Aid
UK Registered Charity No. 1103660
Construction of a multi-purpose building at The Good Samaritan Ministries (GSM) School to serve as an assembly, sports and skill training hall, for orphans and disadvantaged children and to provide the wider community of 3,000, particularly widowed women, to access recreational facilities and skills training.
Location: Zambia
Amount: £5,000

Open Arms' : In Partnership With Africa Foundation For Uganda
UK Registered Charity No. 1104869
Purchase of pigs and goats to generate income so that children can be educated and trained and have access to medical care.
Location: Uganda
Amount: £2,700
Five Talents
UK Registered Charity No. 1113969
Provision of small loans to local business women for micro-financing the creation of small businesses.
Location: Tanzania
Amount: £5,000
The Philippine Community Fund
UK Registered Charity No. 1091581
Renovation of warehouse used as a school, repair a toilet block, addition of three extra toilets and installation of hand basins to improve the lives of children and their families who live and work as waste pickers on open rubbish dumps and cemeteries.
Location: The Philippines
Amount: £3,500
Medical & Scientific Aid For Vietnam, Laos And Cambodia
UK Registered Charity No. 252906
Supply of posters to educate the public in combating and eliminating the eye infection trachoma.
Location: Vietnam
Amount: £3,000
Ashanti Development
UK Registered Charity No. 1112415
Completion of construction of a clinic/hostel for poor people on the fringes of the Ashanti gold-mining region.
Location: Ghana
Amount: £6,000
Hope Children's Centre
Construction of two classrooms to provide support for HIV/AIDS orphans.
Location: Uganda
Amount: £5,000
Tikondane Community Centre
Registered Community Based Organisation
Provision of backyard drip-feed irrigation systems to 30 poor households and supply of pairs of pigeons and enclosures to poor families to reduce malnutrition.
Location: Zambia
Amount: £5,000
Bethesda International
Registered Not For Profit Indigenous Organisation Registration No. S5914/2971
Purchase of beds, mattresses, blankets and sheets for 80 orphans.
Location: Uganda
Amount: £3,000
Charonyab Mitumba Rehabilitation And Community Centre (Chamrecc)
Registered Community Based Organisation No 2229
Improvement of facilities at CHAMRECC School for development of and support for underprivileged children.
Location: Kenya
Amount: £2,000
Rwanda Group Trust
UK Registered Charity No 1074656
Rental of land to grow vegetables, buy cattle and produce milk to provide nourishment for 104 children of the area who are either infected or affected by HIV/AIDS.
Location: Rwanda
Amount: £5,000
Kinsaan Development Union (Kidu)
Declared Village Community Organisation
Purchase of pipes and building materials for the installation of a clean water supply system.
Location: Cameroon
Amount: £1,500
Hands Of Compassion
Zambian Registered Charity No Ors/102/27/462
Installation of electricity at the Community Centre and construction of kitchen to feed orphaned and vulnerable hungry children arriving for school.
Location: Zambia
Amount: £3,500
Friends Of Khasdobir
Bangladesh Registered Charity No. 1116316
Provision of furniture and supplies at the local primary school.
Location: Bangladesh
Amount: £1,200
Abundance Ministries (UK)
UK Registered Charity No.1059888
Construction of Nursery School for AIDS orphans.
Location: Kenya
Amount: £5,000
The Bale Integrated Rural Development Association (Birda)
Registered Ngo
Construction and furnishing of four additional primary school classrooms at Henne Baha.
Location: Ethiopia
Amount: £5,000
Foundation For Integrated Development (Fid):
Registered Ngo/Community Based Organisation
Construction and furnishing of a three classroom primary school at Foniko.
Location: Sierra Leone
Amount: £5,200
Les Enfants Du Niger And Espoir Mandela
Two Registered Charities
Construction, furnishing and equipping of a youth centre and library Care for street children and children affected or infected by HIV/AIDS.
Location: Niger
Amount: £4,000
Nkonkwa Village Government
(Proposed By The Tanzania Development Trust)
Construction of accommodation for a nurse and re-equipment of the existing dispensary to Improve the living standards of people in this poor community.
Location: Western Tanzania
Amount: £4,300
Wood World Missions
UK Registered Charity No.1084001
Completion of construction of a two classroom primary school, purchase of school furniture and purchase and planting of fruit trees to generate revenue.
Location: Malawi
Amount: £5,350
St Paul's Children Project
Zambian Registered Charity No. Rs/102/16/660
Funding of one year activity plan for orphans, care-givers, under-privileged women and people living with HIV and AIDS. The plan includes the rehabilitation of 3 classrooms at MwasaUKa Primary School; the rehabilitation and re-stocking of four fish ponds, and the supply of seeds and fertilizers to the School Production Unit - as part of a food security programme involving vulnerable rural small-scale farmers.
Location: Zambia
Amount: £5,000
Individual Initiative, Supported By Ashanti Development
UK Registered Charity No.1112415
Setting up of cooperative to produce and market gari (milled cassava) for two hundred women of Tadiesa, an Ashanti village of 700 people.
Location: Ghana
Amount: £4,000
Rainbow House Children's Home
UK Registered Charity No. 1111579
Building of additional primary classroom and purchase of desks and benches.
Location: Kenya
Amount: £1,800
Rhema Centre Education Foundation
Construction of third, three classroom block for education and support for children affected by HIV/AIDS.
Location: Tanzania
Amount: £5,000
Wulugu Project
UK Registered Charity No. 1060691
Roofing for 9 classrooms at Yipala and Zanzugu Primary Schools, and carrying out of urgent repairs and improvements.
Location: Northern Ghana
Amount: £4,500
Ecole Des Sourds-Muets (School For The Deaf)
Educating deaf children.
Location: Democratic Republic of Congo
Amount: £5,000
Open Arms Infant Home
Build new nursery/feeding station.
Location: Malawi
Amount: £4,000
Goredema Primary Schoold
Re-build school.
Location: Zimbabwe
Amount: £3,000
Old People's Home
Repair leaking roof and improve security.
Location: Tanzania
Amount: £3,000
Aquaculture Without Frontiers
Training and support for small farmers.
Location: Malawi
Amount: £1,500
Rainbow House Children's Home
UK Registered Charity No. 1111579
Install electricity and furniture supply.
Location: Kenya
Amount: £3,500
Youth In Need
Build and equip workshop.
Location: Tanzania
Amount: £6,200
Solar Aid
Training deaf and disabled.
Location: Tanzania
Amount: £3,200
The Butterfly Treet
Build a maternity wing, classroom and teacher's accommodation.
Location: Zambia
Amount: £8,500
Usagara Green Foundation
Build a well and establish a tree nursery.
Location: Tanzania
Amount: £3,300
Faith Victory Centre
Extend orphanage and build dormitories.
Location: Kenya
Amount: £6,200
Reaching The Unreached Through Self-Help
Build and furnish primary school.
Location: Kenya
Amount: £4,200
Friends Of The Deaf
Install solar power to ensure constant clean water.
Location: Tanzania
Amount: £5,000
Zanzibar Aid Project
Build concrete water tank as part of a clean water supply project.
Location: Zanzibar
Amount: £5,000
Sunseed Tanzania Trust
Tree nursery/planting project; Production fo fuel effective stoves/cookers.
Location: Tanzania
Amount: £5,000
Ughandi Water Project
Drilling of boreholes.
Location: Tanzania
Amount: £6,400
Association Adm
Building a bridge.
Location: Madagascar
Amount: £5,354
Association Sandratra
Building 3 classroom primary school.
Location: Madagascar
Amount: £5,856
Rural Commune Of Amparatanjona
Clean water supply.
Location: Madagascar
Amount: £7,502
Rural Commune Of Amparatanjona
Building 3 classroom primary school.
Location: Madagascar
Amount: £6,356
Rural Commune Of Amparatanjona
Clean water supply.
Location: Madagascar
Amount: £6,274
Primary School Ambatohirika
Supply of benches for 1 classroom primary school.
Location: Madagascar
Amount: £182
Primary School Ambesisika
Supply of benches for 2 classroom primary school.
Location: Madagascar
Amount: £757
Primary School Antanetibe
Supply of benches for 2 classroom primary school.
Location: Madagascar
Amount: £757
Primary School Antongombe
Supply of benches for 2 classroom primary school.
Location: Madagascar
Amount: £757
Primary School Ambinanikely
Supply of benches for 2 classrom primary school.
Location: Madagascar
Amount: £757
Rural Commune Of Bevazaha
Clean water supply.
Location: Madagascar
Amount: £3,979
Association Lovasoa
Clean water supply.
Location: Madagascar
Amount: £5,900
Rural Commune Of Tritriva
Building 2 classroom primary school.
Location: Madagascar
Amount: £4,319
Association Lovasoa
Clean water supply.
Location: Madagascar
Amount: £6,049
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