Hope For An Orphan Ministries; Legally Registered Organisation, Malawi
To build, equip and stock a poultry farm to generate income to improve the care of up to 3,500 orphans and other vulnerable children. To create from the profits a micro-credit scheme so that the grandparents and guardians of HIV/AIDS orphans can start income-generating activities of their own.
Location: Malawi.
Amount: £5,000
Environclean Community Group: UK Registered Charity No. 1120470
Construction of bio-gas plant as part of a bio-latrine sanitation system in the slums of Lunga Lunga, east of Nairobi, the total cost of which is £11,617 over a 12 month period.
Location: Kenya.
Amount: £5,000
Ihembe Development Association; Tanzania Registered Ngo, No. So8439
Fund a dairy cattle and goat project.
Purchase of 50 pregnant heifers and 100 pregnant goats to distribute them to members of the Association who will give back the first born female cow/goat - to be passed on to the next Association member.
Location: Tanzania.
Amount: £6,500
Individual Initiative Supported By Rev Martin Bamforth, Anglican Church Of Uganda
Opening of a hairdressing salon and barbershop.
Location: Uganda
Amount: £2,500
Kampala School Of Excellence Ministries: Uganda Registered Ngo No Lub/497;
Sponsored By ""Daniel's Dream"" Which Comes Under The Umbrella Of ""African Revival"", UK Registered Charity No 1108718
Renovation, re-equipping and refurnishing of a home for orphaned and vulnerable boys.
Location: Uganda.
Amount: £6,000
Aquinoe Learning Centre: UK Registered Charity No. 1109906
Building special needs education building.
Location: Kenya.
Amount: £8,100

Njia Panda Ya Tumaini: Kenyan Registered Community Based Organisation No. Tn/8359/10/2004
Purchase of 510 plastic chairs and 4 marquees - to generate income.
Nija Panda Ya Tumaini (NPYT) was established in 1992 and works with vulnerable children in and around Kiutale. It runs a Rescue Centre for newly arrived street children, lost children and children in minor conflict with the law; a residential long term care home - for children with no traceable parents or guardians; and Community Healthcare Clinics - for their children, street and slum children and members of the wider community.
Location: Kenya.
Amount: £5,000
Cariad Kenya; UK Registered Charity No. 1113463
Improvement of clean water installation (£5,319) and construction of a latrine (£834).
Location: Kenya.
Amount: £6,200
Kasiisi Porridge Project; UK Registered Charity No. 1115929
Construction of boy’s and girl’s latrines at Kasiisi Primary school
The Kasiisi Porridge Project aims to feed the children a daily mug of banana or maize porridge, but the lack of basic sanitation at the school is unacceptable for the successful implementation of this feeding programme.
Location: Western Uganda.
Amount: £4,000
Amani Development Organization: Registered As An Ngo With The Tanzanian Government
To rehabilitate a derelict well and install a windmill to pump it to the surface.
Location: Tanzania.
Amount: £5,000
Foundation For Integrated Development (Fid) Registered Ngo/Community Based Organisation
Provide two hand pump water wells, four latrines, train two pump hands/health monitors and conduct environmental health education training for 80 people to provide access to clean drinking water and sanitation.
Location: Sierra Leone.
Amount: £3,750
Bishop's Primary School - Kinkiizi
Complete the construction of a primary school extension.
Location: Uganda.
Amount: £4,200
Farlu Rural Integrated Development Association (Frida); Registered Community Based Organisation No. Bo/41
Construction of store and drying floor and expansion of cultivation of swamp rice, vegetables and groundnuts.
Location: Sierra Leone.
Amount: £6,000
Waterloo Schools Charity: UK Registered Charity No. 1110488
Provision of a source of clean water for almost 900 school children.
Location: Sierra Leone.
Amount: £5,500
Mityana Community Development Foundation (Mcdf); UK Registered Charity No.1102442
Construction of a workshop and store for vocational training to train children in carpentry, brick-laying, cookery and tailoring.
Location: Uganda.
Amount: £3,000
People's Initiative For Poverty Alleviation (Pipa-Sl); Registered Community Based Organisation No. Pdc/Cbo/Rc/017
Construction and furnishing of three primary school classrooms, an office and latrines.
Location: Sierra Leone.
Amount: £6,525
Association Des Femmes Pour La Promotion Et Le Developpement Endogene (Afpde); Registered Ngo
Refurbishment and furnishing of three classrooms at Ndolera Primary School.
Location: Congo.
Amount: £6,000
Boston Self Help Group; Registered Group/Organisation
Purchase of school books for a new primary school.
Location: Kenya.
Amount: £2,000
Zambia Orphans Of Aids United Kingdom (Zoa UK): UK Registered Charity No. 1116460
Provision of roof for a new primary school currently under construction.
Location: Zambia.
Amount: £3,500
Gospel Group Of Tanzania
Creation of micro-financing project ("revolving loan fund") advancing loans of £500 to groups of five people to create enterprises in e.g. soap making, popcorn, pressing cooking oil, sewing, secretarial services, Batik, handicrafts, poultry raising and animal husbandry.
Location: Tanzania.
Amount: £5,000
Christ The Saviour Orphanage Foundation (Ct-Sof) ; Registered Community Based Organisation No. Lub/411
Provision of clean water, construction of toilet facilities and showers and provision of waste and garbage disposal facilities at Christ the Saviour Orphanage.
Location: Uganda.
Amount: £8,700
Ndoro Children's Charities; UK Registered Charity No. 1120984
Renovation and equipping of wo houses to serve as an orphanage, and provision of clothes and shoes for the children living there.
Location: Zimbabwe.
Amount: £3,500
Mpinganjira Anglican Parish Health Committee
Mpinganjira Children Care Centre for HIV/AIDS orphans in Mpinganjira Anglican Parish consist of two classrooms, two offices, a store room, a quiet room where children can rest/sleep, a sitting room and a kitchen.
Location: Malawi.
Amount: £6,000
Wood World Missions; UK Registered Charity No 1084001
Renovation of building for use as a girls' hostel and provision of mattresses, blankets mosquito nets and cooking utensils.
Location: Malawi
Amount: £3,250
Dor's-To-India: UK Registered Charity No. 1117986
Installation of a clean drinking water plant in the village of Nemmeli.
Location: South India.
Amount: £4,200
Pelewahun Rural Development Project: Registered Cbo No Bo/72
Building of three classrooms, a well - operated by hand-pump, and a three seater latrine - at St Peter's Cleaver Primary School, Bo.
Location: Sierra Leone.
Amount: £7,000
Twifu Rural Youth And Women Concern: Registered Ngo No. Dsw/1199
Construction of three wells and installation of hand pumps - to provide easily accessible clean water to the population of three poor communities; construct a school latrine.
Location: Ghana.
Amount: £6,000
Hands Of Compassion Outreach, Kenya
To build, equip and stock a poultry house which will provide eggs for the children an orphanage for HIV/AIDS orphans and street children.
Location: Kenya
Amount: £4,000
Zululu Primary School
To build and furnish an additional classroom at Zululu Primary School (£3,435); extend an existing rain water harvesting installation (£1178).
Location: Kenya.
Amount: £5,000
Boston Self Help Group
Purchase of school furniture for a new primary school.
Location: Kenya.
Amount: £3,800
Development Aid From People To People: UK Registered Charity No. 1118290
Sinking of wells and improvement of sanitation at 7 primary schools in Mpika District, Zambia.
Location: Zambia.
Amount: £5,000
Garram Children's School, Orphanage And Rehabilitation Centre
Purchase of 1300 text books and tables, chairs and desks for teachers and students.
Location: Nigeria.
Amount: £3,500
The Welbodi Partnership: UK Registered Charity No. 1125217
Provision of clean water and improved sanitation and security at the hospital.
Location: Sierra Leone.
Amount: £7,000
Abesu; UK Registered Charity No. 1117700
Construction of small clinic with accommodation for a nurse.
Location: Zambia.
Amount: £4,500
Kirinda Water Project; An Initiative Of The Congregation Of The Sacred Hearts Of Jesus And Mary Of Nebbi Diocese
Provision of safe drinking water to St Andrew's Orphanage and the village slum community of Kirinda.
Location: Uganda.
Amount: £4,000
Literary Action And Development Agency
Support of needy households living with HIV/AIDS by distributing 2 mature goats/pigs to each family, building suitable pens and providing veterinary services.
Location: Uganda.
Amount: £6,200
Simli Aid
Construction of three classroom primary school.
Location: Ghana.
Amount: £6,000
Kakola Health Centre
Installation of solar panels at the Health Centre.
Location: Uganda.
Amount: £4,500
People's Action Against Hunger (Peaah) Sierra Leone
Sinking of three wells and construction of 3 four-cubicle latrines in 3 poor communities.
Location: Sierra Leone.
Amount: £6,600
Aru School For The Deaf
Construction of four new primary school classrooms.
Location: Democratic Republic of Congo.
Amount: £8,000
Community Action For Health And Development
Provision of clean drinking water (rain harvesting); reduction of incidence of malaria by distributing insect treated mosquito nets to 200 poor households; purchase seeds, 2 water pumps and drip feed irrigation equipment to improve the food supply of 20 vulnerable families; and installation of solar panels at the homes of these families to provide power for security lighting and light for school children studying after dark.
Location: Kenya.
Amount: £6,200
British Francophone Migrant Community Development
Construction of 5 classroom primary school and separate latrines for boys and girls - suitable for the use of disabled children.
Location: Democratic Republic of Congo.
Amount: £7,500
Sawed Trust
Construction of three classroom primary school.
Location: India.
Amount: £6,000
Irama Community Development Association
To dig and line two 16 metre deep hand wells, install pumps and construct 4 latrines.
Location: Sierra Leone.
Amount: £6,000
Arrow Kenya
Purchase of medical equipment.
Location: Kenya.
Amount: £5,500
Rwanda Group Trust; UK Registered Charity No. 1074656
Rental of 2 hectares of land, establishment of pineapple plantation, pay workers and buy seeds, fertilizers, goats and pigs - all to generate funds to feed and support vulnerable families, including some with children at their head.
Location: Rwanda.
Amount: £6,400
Association Femme, Enfant, Environnement (Afee): Registered Ngo No. 2000.1046
Construction of two grain stores and training of two committees to manage them.
Location: Senegal.
Amount: £5,500
Project Harar Ethiopia: UK Registered Charity No. 1094272
Cost of four major missions, each treating ten patients. Facial reoncstruction.
Location: Ethiopia.
Amount: £8,000
Feet First; UK Registered Charity No. 1112464
Purchase of specialist equipment for the treatment of serious fractures.
Location: Sierra Leone.
Amount: £7,000
Breakthrough Foundation; UK Registered Charity No. 1122616
Construction of three classroom primary school.
Location: Kenya.
Amount: £8,500
The Nakuru Children's Project: Working Under The Umbrella Of The Aenon Trust, UK Registered Charity No. 1046859
Provision of basic facilities for a new children's home.
Location: Kenya.
Amount: £7,500
Birmingham Children's Hospital - Malawi Partnership; Bch Charities; UK Registered Charity No. 1074850
Purchase of ECG machine and consumables (£1,386.89) and a portable saturation monitor and probes (£2,750).
Location: Malawi.
Amount: £4,387
Scope Self Help Group; Registered Community Based Organisation No. Dss/Sh/3371/2003
Refurbishment and upgrading of two hostels at Mwangaza Education Centre to cater for the orphans and vulnerable children of Homa Bay aged from 3-14.
Location: Kenya.
Amount: £6,200
Society For Advancement Of Humanity; Registered Ngo No. 02Ngo/0742
Support for women and children affected by HIV/AIDS; specifically, a grant to buy cows, pigs and chickens, agricultural implements and veterinary supplies.
Location: Tanzania.
Amount: £6,200
Kemore Community Resource Centre: Registered Self Help Group No. Kur/029/2005
Sinking of five shallow wells and installation of hand pumps to provide access to clean drinking water. Many women walk several kilometres each day to collect water for drinking and other household uses.
Location: Kenya.
Amount: £7,700
Embakasi Orphans Rehabilititation Centre: Registered Self Help Group No. 09979
Building of four classrooms and two toilets to provide day care and education to 60 orphans and vulnerable children - allowing single mothers, widows and grandparents to earn a living during the day, knowing that their children are safe.
Location: Kenya.
Amount: £6,100
Rural Commune Ambohitrolomahitsy
Building 3 classroom primary school.
Location: Madagascar.
Amount: £12,486
Rural Commune Antanifotsy
Building 2 classroom primary school.
Location: Madagascar.
Amount: £6,678
Vakinakaratra Region
Building 3 classroom primary school.
Location: Madagascar.
Amount: £12,873
Vakinakaratra Region
Building 3 classroom primary school.
Location: Madagascar.
Amount: £12,873
Vakinakaratra Region
Building 3 classroom primary school.
Location: Madagascar.
Amount: £13,133
Rural Commune Ambohitrolomahitsy
Renovation of a bridge.
Location: Madagascar.
Amount: £6,459
Rural Commune Ambalamahasoa
Building 3 classroom primary school.
Location: Madagascar.
Amount: £7,185
Primary School Avarabohitra
Supply of benches for 3 classroom primary school.
Location: Madagascar.
Amount: £994
Primary School Antsirabe Avaratra
Supply of benches for 1 classroom primary school.
Location: Madagascar.
Amount: £302
Primary School Fiadanana
Supply of benches for 1 classroom primary school.
Location: Madagascar
Amount: £370
Primary School Morafeno
Supply of benches for 5 classroom primary school.
Location: Madagascar.
Amount: £1,399
Association Adm
Clean water supply.
Location: Madagascar.
Amount: £1,646
Kampala School Of Excellence Ministries: Sponsored By 'Daniel's Dream' which comes under the umbrella of 'African Revival'
Establishment of poultry keeping project - to generate funds which will give access to education to children, expand the work of the charity, provide a source of clean water and improve sanitation, and improve the diet of children in the home.
Estimating that by the end of year 2 the project will become self-financing – producing an annual income for the home of approximately £2,750.
Location: Uganda.
Amount: £6,000
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